Quantity Available: 1
Item Code: 1216-220
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This Smith carbine rates at least Fine for condition and near Excellent, approaching 80 percent original finish overall, even stronger on the barrel, with sharp lettering and numbers in both the metal and the wood, with tight fit, nice color and finish to both. All the metal is smooth. The barrel is particularly strong in color, with full coverage of deep, original blue that continues on and fully covers the barrel spring. The barrel band has shifted to plum. The receiver shows slightly muted, but evident case colors, stronger on the left, amid a thin caramel tone that is matched by the hammer. Even the wrist collar for the receiver, a natural point of handling and loss of finish, shows blue, slightly stronger on the right than the left. The buttplate shows some color mixed with a thin caramel. The screws show blue and no signs of turning to the slots.
Both sights are in place and complete as are the sling ring and bar. The left barrel flat at the breech shows a crisp L.F.R. barrel inspector stamp of La Fayette Rogers and the left wrist shows the sharp “JH” inspection stamps of Joseph Hannis. The wood shows good edges, surface and rich brown color overall. Markings in the metal are as sharp as those in the wood. The left receiver is stamped vertically, “MANUFACTURED BY / AMN. M’CH’N WKS. / SPRINGFIELD, MASS.” partially under the front of the sling ring bar. At upper right rear is, “ADDRESS / POULTNEY & TRIMBLE / BALTIMORE U.S.A.” Below that, partly under the rear of the sling ring “SMITH’S PATENT / JUNE 23, 1857” partially behind the sling ring bar.
The serial number 3411 is sharp on both elements of the hinge on the underside. Deliveries to the government by Poultney and Trimble, acting as agents for the inventor, are documented by date and quantity. Serial numbers, however, seem to have been duplicated between models, the first type, with sling swivels and the second, with conventional carbine sling ring and bar, and among manufacturers as well. The American Machine Works are better understood. Newspaper reports of October 1863 indicate the company had subcontracted with the Massachusetts Arms Company for manufacture 5,000 of these carbines, and then for another 12,000. Most recent scholarship postulates the American Machine Works were actually making just parts for those first 5,000 that were the completion of a contract by Mass Arms and that the 12,000 reflect a contract for complete carbines that were delivered in 1864 and began with their own series of serial numbers. Given the relatively low number of this carbine it was likely made early in the series giving it a good chance for service in some of the major cavalry campaigns of the war.
The Smith was among the top four cavalry carbines procured by the U.S. government and saw extensive service in the war. Patented by a New York physician in 1855 (with some additions in 1856 and 1857,) the .50 caliber carbine is hinged in the middle, exposing the breech for insertion of a rubber case or paper and foil cartridge pierced at the bottom for ignition by a standard percussion cap. Poultney and Trimble of Baltimore acted as agents on commission, selling the government some 31,002 from January 1862 to June 1865, with some others sold on the commercial market through military goods dealers such at Schuyler, Hartley and Graham. Flayderman lists the 3rd WV, 7th and 11th Illinois, 1st CT, 7th and 17th PA, 6th and 9th Ohio, and the 1st Mass. as among the cavalry regiments carrying it.
Mechanics function well; bore is clean and bright, rifling somewhat light.
This is a very strong example of the Smith carbine. [sr] [ph:L]
DISCLAIMER: All firearms are sold as collector's items only - we do not accept responsibility as to the shooting safety or reliability of any antique firearm. All firearms are described as accurately as possible, given the restraints of a catalog listing length. We want satisfied customers & often "under" describe the weapons. Any city or state regulations regarding owning antique firearms are the responsibility of the purchaser. All firearms are "mechanically perfect" unless noted, but again, are NOT warranted as safe to fire.
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